Against Educational System

Educational system

Education a term that is broad in sense defining every curriculum from a smallest atomic  particals to a gigantic universe. So, in present the education is like memorizing every theories,laws, formula's and course content that only focuses on memorizing but doesn't focuses on practical implementation of knowledge. I call it a bulimic knowledge you consume everything you can and throw it out in examination and test to collect grades "A" and you are left with a blank mind. When someone asks you question you are like "oh, wait a minute i knew that thing let me revise once more so i can explain you". 

The major role of education is to develope human potential to create a better Society acting as a pillar to maintain equilibrium balance. But in today's scenario education has become weaker and weaker only left is the outer structure which is hollowed from inside. Curriculum and courses finishes before student can understand what they are taught. Everybody thinks they are taught good in schools and universities but have you ever asked your graduate students can you do your own taskes, apply for a loan, think critically and independently, i swear on this question everyone will bow down their head and shake heads gesturing "NO". Schools are not building students for future instead are killing thieir creativity and intelligence. What about the rule for a school that good student must be in front row and rest of them must be in back of them its like a robotics company arranging their Roberts in a specific row and colum to categorise them. 

School is not a suitable environment for education ,its a playground where students are taught to play for collecting good grade. Students avoid eye contact, avoid raising hand and speak with a fear of being wrong, beacuse fear was injected to thier thinking pattern, if you are wrong you get punished. Every test papers are has a heading "candidate are required to answer the question in their own as far as practicable" but its just on a paper its never followed beacuse system of education have never taught students how to think critically and are forced to do it in a specific format beacuse this only what they accept. Extra sheet of answers, projects, research papers, assignment to be submitted in adressed deadline its too painful and pressure to complete in a time beacuse we were not taught time management skills to deal with. Not only time management but aslo in presentations students explains and uses the acronym "etc." i don't think its et cetra but its "end of thinking capacity" . 

Let me take you back to an ancient era of education where students were taught to survive on any circumstances and are prepared physically and mentally and were focused on practical rather than theoritical but in present practical knowledge is like a dream of many students which gets rearly fulfilled. 

True education teaches skills to survive on any situation, think critically and independently, skills you manage . The education itself came form latin word "educe" meaning to bring out that is to bring the ceativity and gift out of a person to make them viable. As per the havard studies the biggest predictor for success is self control and emotional health and true education must teach how to handle stress, bullies, rejection ,anxiety and depression. Also, skills that are reqiured for daily life like cooking, speaking, management skills and so on. 

On this article i am not blaming all schools and teachers cause some schools are good and many teachers are valuable crown jewels. There a difference between two term "know " and "no" they both sounds same but are different so like these two word education and true education has a difference. So, as far as I am concerned for education development skills and ambition of students must be focused or given time to explore themself.